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Category: Project

Description: This project contains code and data related to Abir, Y., Marvin, C. B., van Geen, C., Leshkowitz, M., Hassin, R. R., & Shohamy, D. (2022). An energizing role for motivation in information-seeking during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature Communications, 13(1), 1-10. It collates a github repository with the code used to run the experiment reported in the main text, and shares the code and data used in producing the figures and statistics reported in the main text and supplementary information. Analyses are implemented on an included docker image with all the software packages necessary to reproduce our findings. Stored on osf are the outputs of the analysis script, except the figure source csvs which are available with the paper. These outputs are reproduced by the docker image. To reproduce our analyses, download the folder "covid_paper_shared_docker" as a zip, unzip it on your computer, and follow the instructions in the README.file.



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